Haveman, Heather A. 2024. Organizations and economic inequality. Journal of Organizational Sociology. (link)
Haveman, Heather A., David Joseph-Goteiner, and Danyang Li. 2023. Institutional logics: Motivating action and overcoming resistance to change. Management and Organization Review, 19: 1152-1177.
Haveman, Heather A. 2022. The Power of Organizations: A New Approach to Organizational Theory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (PUP link)
Haveman, Heather A., and Nataliya Nedzhvestskaya. 2022. Community, self-help, and enterprise: The coevolution of capitalism and non-profit and for-profit businesses in Britain and Germany. Research in the Sociology of Organizations – The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization, 78: 121-141.
Jacob Habinek and Heather A. Haveman. Making a free market: Professionals and populists in the transformation of U.S. medicine, 1787-1860. Socio-Economic Review, 17 (1): 81-108. (https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwy052) (link to LSE Business Review blog post)
Heather A. Haveman and Rachel Wetts. Contemporary organizational theory: The demographic, relational, and cultural perspectives. Sociology Compass, 13 (3): e12664. (download)
Heather A. Haveman and Rachel Wetts. Organizational theory: From classical sociology to the 1970s. Sociology Compass, 13 (3): e12627. (download)
Carlos, W. Chad, Wesley D. Sine, Brandon H. Lee, and Heather A. Haveman. Gone with the wind: Industry development and the evolution of social movement influence. In Sinziana Dorobantu, Ruth Aguilera, Jiao Luo, and Frances Milliken, eds., Advances in Strategic Management: Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility, 38: 339-365. (download)
Heather A. Haveman and Daniel Kluttz. Cultural spillovers: Copyright, conceptions of authors, and commercial practices. Law and Society Review, 52 (1): 7-40. (download)
Heather A. Haveman and Ogi Radic. Educational background and stratification in the legal academy: Invasion of the body snatchers…or more of the same? Journal of Gender, Race, and Justice, 52 (1): 91-134. (download)
Heather A. Haveman and Gillian Gualtieri. Institutional logics. In R. Aldag, ed., Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. New York: Oxford University Press. (download)
Heather A. Haveman, Nan Jia, Jing Shi, and Yongxiang Wang. The dynamics of political embeddedness in China. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62 (1): 67-104. (download)
Heather A. Haveman, Anand Swaminathan, and Eric B. Johnson. Structure at work: Organizational forms and the division of labor in U.S. wineries. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 47: 197-242. (download)
Heather A. Haveman. Magazines and the Making of America: Modernization, Community, and Print
Culture, 1741-1860. Princeton University Press.
2016: Best book award, ASA, Communications, Information Technology, and Media Studies Section.
2017: Barrington Moore book award, ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology Section.
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Heather A. Haveman and Daniel N. Kluttz. Organizational populations and fields: Ecology and institutionalism. In Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn, eds., Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. (download) (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Christopher I. Rider. The spatial scope of competition and the geographic distribution of entrepreneurship: American magazine foundings and the U.S. post office. Sociological Science, 1 (3): 111-127. (link)
Adam Goldstein and Heather A. Haveman. Pulpit and press: Denominational dynamics and the growth of religious magazines in antebellum America. American Sociological Review, 78 (5): 797-827. (link)
Robert J. David, Wesley D. Sine, and Heather A. Haveman. Seizing opportunity in emerging fields: How entrepreneurs legitimated the professional form of management consulting. Organization Science, 24 (2): 356-377. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Yongxiang Wang. Going (more) public: Institutional isomorphism and ownership reform among Chinese firms. Management and Organization Review, 9 (1): 17-51. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Daniel N. Kluttz. Bureaucracy. In David Teece and Mie Augier, eds., Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (link)
Heather A. Haveman, Jacob Habinek, and Leo A. Goodman. How entrepreneurship evolves: The founders of new magazines in America, 1741-1860. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57 (4): 585-624. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Lauren S. Beresford. If you’re so smart, why aren’t you the boss? Explaining the persistent vertical gender gap in management. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639: 114-130. (link)
Heather A. Haveman, Joseph P. Broschak, and Lisa E. Cohen. Good times, bad times: The impact of organizational dynamics on the careers of male and female managers. Research in the Sociology of Work, 18 (Economic Sociology): 119-148. (download)
Heather A. Haveman. The Columbia school and the study of bureaucracies: Why organizations have lives of their own. In Paul S. Adler, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations: 585-606. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (download)
Marissa D. King, and Heather A. Haveman. Antislavery in America: The press, the pulpit, and the rise of anti-slavery societies. Administrative Science Quarterly, 53: 492-528. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Robert J. David. Organizational ecologists and institutionalists: Friends or foes? In Royston Greenwood, Christine Oliver, Kerstin Sahlin, and Roy Suddaby, eds., The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism: 571-593. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (download)
Heather A. Haveman, Hayagreeva Rao, and Srikanth Paruchuri. The winds of change: The Progressive movement and the bureaucratization of thrift. American Sociological Review, 72: 114-142. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Hayagreeva Rao. Hybrid forms and the evolution of thrifts. American Behavioral Scientist, 49: 974-986. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Mukti V. Khaire. Organizational sociology and the analysis of work. In Marek Korczynski, Randy Hodson, and Paul Edwards, eds., Social Theory at Work: 272-298. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (download)
Wesley D. Sine, Heather A. Haveman, and Pamela S. Tolbert. Risky business? Entrepreneurship in the new independent- power sector. Administrative Science Quarterly, 50: 200-232. (link)
Heather A. Haveman. Antebellum literary culture and the evolution of American magazines. Poetics, 32: 5-28. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Mukti V. Khaire. Survival beyond succession? The contingent impact of founder succession on organizational failure. Journal of Business Venturing, 19: 437-463. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Lisa A. Keister. Competition, mutualism, and organizational outcomes: The effects of domain overlap and non-overlap on economic performance, growth, and survival. In Frank R. Dobbin, ed., The Sociology of the Economy: 255-291. New York: Russell Sage.
Heather A. Haveman, Michael V. Russo, and Alan D. Meyer. Organizational environments in flux: The impact of punctuational regulatory change on organizational domains, CEO succession, and performance. Organization Science, 12: 253-273. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Lynn Nonnemaker. Competition in multiple geographic markets: The impact on growth and market entry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44: 233-267. (link)
Heather A. Haveman. The future of organizational sociology: Forging ties between paradigms. Contemporary Sociology, 29: 476-486. (Special issue on Sociology in the 21st Century.) (link)
Lisa E. Cohen, Joseph P. Broschak, and Heather A. Haveman. And then there were more? The effect of organizational sex composition on the hiring and promotion of managers. American Sociological Review, 63: 711-727. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Hayagreeva Rao. Structuring a theory of moral sentiments: Institutional and organizational co-evolution in the early thrift industry. American Journal of Sociology, 102: 1606-1651. (link)
Joel A.C. Baum and Heather A. Haveman. Love thy neighbor? Differentiation and spatial agglomeration in the Manhattan hotel industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42: 304-338. (link) (link to errata)
Heather A. Haveman. The demographic metabolism of organizations: Industry dynamics, turnover, and tenure distributions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40: 586-618. (link)
Heather A. Haveman and Lisa E. Cohen. The ecological dynamics of careers: The impact of organizational founding, dissolution, and merger on job mobility. American Journal of Sociology, 100: 104-152. (link)
Heather A. Haveman. The ecological dynamics of organizational change: Density and mass dependence in rates of entry into new markets. In Joel A.C. Baum and Jitendra V. Singh, eds., The Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations: 152-166. New York: Oxford University Press. (download)
Heather A. Haveman. Follow the leader: Mimetic isomorphism and entry into new markets. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38: 593-627. (link)
Heather A. Haveman. Ghosts of managers past: Managerial succession and organizational mortality. Academy of Management Journal, 36: 864-881. (link)
Christopher Gresov, Heather A. Haveman, and Terence A. Oliva. Organizational design, inertia, and the dynamics of competitive response. Organization Science, 4: 181-208. (link)
Heather A. Haveman. Organizational size and change: Diversification in the savings and loan industry after deregulation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38: 20-50. (link)
Heather A. Haveman. Between a rock and a hard place: Organizational change and performance under conditions of fundamental environmental transformation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37: 48-75. (link)
Glenn R. Carroll, Heather A. Haveman, and Anand Swaminathan. Careers in organizations: An ecological perspective. In David Featherman, Richard Lerner, and Marion Perlmutter, eds., Life-Span Development and Behavior, 11: 112-144. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (download)
Glenn R. Carroll, Heather A. Haveman, and Anand Swaminathan. Karrieren in organisationen: Eine ökologische perspektive. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 31: 146-178.